Do’s and don’ts to avoid a fight with your foreign domestic cleaner:
1- Do not think that there is only one right way (your way!) to communicate.
2- Learn from generalisations about your cleaner’s culture, but do not use these generalisations to creat stereotypes.
3- Practise, practice and practice!. If you don’t, you do not learn.
4- Do not think that communication problems happen because other people are on the wrong. Always search for new ways to make that communication work.
5- Listen actively and empathetically. Put yourself on her shoes and you will improve your communication skills.
6- Try to look at the situation as an outsider. Analysing the situation as a “third person” will give you more in depth and will help you to resolve the problem quicker.
7- Remember that cultural norms might not apply to the behaviour of your particular domestic cleaner. We are not only shaped by our culture; the ethnic background, the family or the education influence how we grow as individuals.