Frequently Asked Questions

- Your home is completely safe with Amy Cleaning.
- 2 References
- Proof of Address
- Identification
- Permission to work in the UK
- Next of Kin Details
- Pass a Domestic Cleaning Interview
- Pass An English Test
- Pass a written, oral and practical cleaning and ironing exam in a test flat
- Just 1 in 55 Applicants pass our Vetting and Screening
Cleaning Training & Monitoring
- How Good is your Service?
- How can I be Assured that I will be Satisfied?
- I need some Cleaning Quickly
- Ironing
- Key Security Form
- Cleaning Materials
- What is the minimum amount of time a cleaner can come for?
- Insurance
- Getting the most from the cleaning agency
- If I am not happy with my cleaner ?
- Babysitting, nannies, au pairs, carers, waitresses, personal assistants, chauffers, butlers, office cleaners etc.
- How does it work once I have ordered a cleaner?
- Interview Tips
- I have never had a cleaner before
- Key Security: Further information
- How much time will the cleaner need?
- Getting the best from your cleaner
- Cleaning in high up places
- Domestic Cleaning Service options
- Why is Cleaner & Agency Paid Separately?
- Agency fee debited monthly from my Mastercard or Visa card
- Your Mastercard or Visa card details are completely safe
- Holiday Pay
- Ironing
- Why do prices differ by area?
- When I go on holiday
- To Stop Using the Service
- What are my Payments for?
- Credit notes
- How the monthly agency fee is worked out